Sunday, August 19, 2007


We intended this year to be a year of spiritual growth, learning new skills, improving our hebrew and forging our way in a new home. We're getting more than we bargained for: Not only are we growing spiritually, Ilana is growing daily.

hmmm....what does that mean?

Rather intrigued aren't we?

Well you should be! I am happy to share with you that we are expecting our first child (due in March).
For future updates please refer back to this and other Branda related blogs.

Shavua Tov!


Unknown said...

Mazal Tov ;-)
Marilyn & Scott

Anonymous said...


Cham said...

that is so exciting! Aaron - were you just writing this to get some comments going on the blog? If so shame on you. If not Mazal Tov! We are SO happy for you guys and hope to see you soon.

Anonymous said...

We are so excited for you! Hopefully it will be an easy pregnancy. We look forward to many updates.

Anonymous said...

MAZAL TOV! A Spectacular start to your blog. Way to hook the readers! Can't wait to see what else you got in store for us.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Noah. I wonder what other twists and turns this plot takes. Maybe, it will be like Planet of the Apes, and it will turn out that "Israel" is actually Skokie! ...or maybe not. Seriously though, Go Cubs!

Rebecca said...

B'shaat tova! The most exciting thing is I'm in Israel too! Basically like a third of UMD Hillel moved to Israel in the past couple of weeks. We have to all get together some time. I'll introduce you to my adopted grandparents in Kiryat Moshe so they can make you pancakes too. See you around!

Anonymous said...

B'shaa Tova! Such exciting news! Hope everything goes well for all of you and we'll check the blog for updates. Please don't forget us in 1111 :)

Unknown said...

So exciting! That's the greatest news- may everything go healthfully and easily. And to reiterate a comment already posted, way to hook your readers! You've got me now :-)

Anonymous said...

nojrxlt bnc yvjne cumshot


ampik quxqrd dhy smoking fetish