Sunday, August 12, 2007

Nanny 911 meets Animals Gone Wild

Ilana and I are starting to be productive getting our new place set up and trying to not sleep past 9:00am. We've almost been here a week and I still haven't slept through the night. It is definitely the worst case of jet lag I have ever experienced. What's even stranger is that I usually get over jet lag quickly. What's the 'x' factor? Well, I think it all begins with the first night. Perhaps the worst flight I or any of my closest relatives have ever experienced. Any transatlantic flight is arduous simply due to the length of the flight. On top of that we had two other factors (read: instruments of Satan) to contend with.

1) Two out of control children were running amok on this plane and there seats were directly in front of ours. Mom was of no help what so ever and ignored her children for the duration of the trip. Her pearls of parenting wisdom included, "just shut up already" as well as, "go ask the flight attendant for some food." The toddler, who could not be placated throughout the flight (no books, no games...I wonder why) regaled us with high pitched screaming throughout the flight.

If it was only the kid it would have been annoying but not mind blowing....however there was another...

2) The same women also brought her small dog in a carrying case. This dog had no muzzle and yipped and yapped for the ENTIRE FLIGHT. His ear-piercing cries were especially loud during when meals were served...because this women didn't bring any food or water for the dog. That was her plan to prevent him from marking his territory on seat 33D. People were actually yelling at the dog to shut up at points. If we weren't on the plane it actually would have been really amusing.

Anyway, we didn't sleep at all when we should have slept most of the time. When we arrived in Israel it was 8:00am and we had the whole day ahead of us. Therefore, I haven't slept in days.

But we're seriously having a great time!

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