We spent Shabat Hagadol and the 1st day of Yom Tov in Har Nof. The meals and company was great, however, we neglected to take into account the name of the city (Har ie Mountain) when planning our meals. We slept at almost the top of the mt. and ate almost all our emails at various points down the mt. I think a conservative estimate would be that we did over 1400 steps between Friday evening and Saturday night/Sunday morning. On Sunday afternoon we walked back to our place so we could host a seder that night. Both seders where really enjoyable, though we missed having our families to share it with. One of the neatest experiences for me was getting to the point where we sing "L'shana Haba B'Yerushalim" (next year in Jerusalem) and going out onto the balcony of our host's home and dancing and singing, hearing in the background many other families in the community doing the same thing.
Today we ventured out to the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens - a little gem not to far from our apartment that I never knew existed before this weekend. One of the main banks here, Bank HaPoalim, actually sponsors the admission cost to a bunch of museums and attractions around Israel during these intermediary days of Pesach. The gardens being one of them we decided we needed to go. So much was in full bloom now it was gorgeous to walk around. There was even some shady spots to help us deal with the 90 degree weather. Tomorrow and Thursday we are aiming to find some indoor activities since the thermometer is supposed to approach the 100 mark.
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