In honor of the upcoming 40th anniversary since the State of Israel gained access to Jerusalem, the municipality created a movie that they showed last night portrayed on the old city walls. The movie began with a more current historical perspective of 40 years ago, with some of the soldiers recollections of the emotions they felt when they were first able to go to the Western Wall, a space that was previously off-limits. The movie then took a further step back to look at why the soldiers felt this way and portray the Jewish connection to the city.
There must have been at least 3,000 people there; and this was only 1 of 12 showings during the Passover holiday. The streets were closed, and we actually watched the movie sitting in the middle of a street. After the movie the municipality was sponsoring free tours of the old city. However, we decided to try and work our way home through all the crowds.
Some of the images where just fascinating - hands touching the city wall as if it was the Western Wall, people praying, the notes and prayers people leave at the wall and doves flying across.
It was definitely a neat experience and we look forward to other events the municipality and state will do as we lead up to Jerusalem Day and Independence Day.