We also spent this past Shabbat in Yeruchum, a development town in the South of Israel. We went with Aaron's program - it was a nice chance for me to get to meet a lot of the people he hangs out with on a day to day basis and for him to spend time with them outside of the classroom.
It is starting to get cool year. The middle of the days are still really nice, no jackets necessary, but by 4 pm you definitely start to feel the chill. Luckily, we are still getting plenty of sunny days so we've been able to hang out all the laundry.
PS Meet Sonic our pet lizard

We came home one night and he was hanging out in our kitchen - he ended up in the sink and if we didn't need to wash dishes we might have just left him there, but alas cleaning called. He was a fast little guy so it took us awhile to catch him and then Aaron took him outside. He was are pet only for a short period of time, but he was a cutie.
sonics cousin lives with us you met him
Was he as fast as his namesake, Sonic the Hedgehog?
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