Friday, May 9, 2008

Spike?...Is that you Spike???

This post is going back a few weeks already now but we've been busy and haven't had time to post all the exciting things in chronological order. We went to Neot Kedumim during chol hamoed. We met our friends the Lennons in Modi'in and then cabbed it the rest of the way. The park is a large area filled with floral, fauna, and exhibits. The neat thing about the park is that it connects the different species of plants with the passages in the Tanach and Mishna (similar to the biblical zoo in Jerusalem for those who have been).
We had fun but we picked a bad day to go. It was probably 95 degrees that day and we felt like we could barely walk around the park. So we spent a lot of time sitting in the shade. At one point I got up to use the bathroom and as I opened the door to the outhouse, all of a sudden this guy in the picture runs right at me.

I cornered him just to get a good picture but then he made a break for it. My family used to have a bearded lizard as a pet (same type as picture) and his name was Spike. He was a good pet even when he developed scoliosis in his spine. If it wasn't for the heat I might have gotten a little sentimental.
We found a water spout and I doused myself in water to cool down. Oh man did that feel good!

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