Saturday, February 23, 2008

Adira Bracha is home

Adira came home on Friday and we've made it through the first 36 hours plus. Aaron and I are learning her routine and how to change diapers in record breaking speeds.
Adira was greeted into her first Shabbos with her Shalom Bat on Friday night - some great dvar torah's (especially by her Abba), accompanied with some singing and dancing.
A lot of people have asked us about the name and we'll try to explain a little bit.
Adira started out as a name we both just liked - it literally means mighty and we wish for her a life filled with strength of character and the power to be a mighty, influential woman in this world. Bracha was originally thought of, for as many of you know, the opportunity to have a child did not come so easily to us. We recognize and thank Hashem for this amazing blessing he has bestowed upon us. Those were are initial thoughts, as we looked into the name more and after sharing it with people on Thursday we realized how much more fitting it was and really is the right name for her. I am being called for feeding duty, so I will let Aaron fill you in on those other ideas.

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