Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Who wears the pants in this family...

This past Saturday night Ilana and I went back to the mall in Jerusalem in order to return our webcam that we bought for the mac. Unfortunately, many webcams are incompatible with Macs. Additionally, outside of America, few countries are into Macs so it is rather hard to get the extra stuff.

Background for those who may not know: Most stores in Israel will only give store credit when a customer returns merchandise regardless of the condition or procurement of a receipt.

We went back to Office Depot to return the webcam. The receipt clearly said that electronics must be returned within 15 days in order to get money back. After that time one could only receive store credit; today was day 15. I told the women that I wanted to return the camera so she took it, checked it out, took our receipt, and then told us that she could give us store credit. I was about to protest (in English) when all of sudden Ilana starts up in fluent Hebrew and says, "I sorry but today is the 15th day, please give us a refund." And with all the flair of a seasoned Israeli sabra she adds "if you meant 14 days you should have written that on the receipt!" The women proceeded to credit our credit card in full without another word. Customer service never suspected the cute little pregnant lady was capable of it. Well she sure showed them.


Unknown said...

Good for you! We are proud ;-)

Anonymous said...

way to go Ilana! my Hebrew hero!

Unknown said...

Kol Hakavod. Yo go girrrrl

Anonymous said...

love it.