Wednesday, October 17, 2007

...And the rain falls

So we are having the first thunderstorm here in Jerusalem. Not to much rain actually falling, but its exciting here as the rainy season technically started a couple of weeks ago and we need every inch we can get. And luckily I brought in our laundry from the line a couple of hours before it started (Yay me for remembering). And now it just started coming down again so hopefully we'll have a decent count at the end.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we went grocery shopping in Modi'in with our friends from the moshav...huge and clean I even took a picture of Marily coming out with a cart of groceries...our friends son runs a landscaping business in town from the moshav and I met some haredim from Bet Sefer part of Modi"in form Cleveland and New York surprise stay well we think of you guys all the time the rest of the group says hello hello