The past week was very busy as they go. As I have commented before, yeshiva life is rather routine and any change of that routine is relatively a big deal. For example, in Maryland, going out for pizza and a movie is not much to sneeze at. In fact, one might even be considered, dare I say, socially bland
. However this year, it's a whole production! A trip to the mall or a dinner out would compare in the states to nothing less than tickets to the Broadway musical you were dying to see.
After seeing Dave and Talya Weinberg for not one, but two fantastic meals, we also got together with Ilana's sister and nieces and nephews for a Rosh Chodesh Kislev party. To cap it all off, due to the yeshiva having an in-shabbos (which entails no Shabbos preparation) we decided to go to Machla Mall in Jerusalem for some errands. We ended up spending about 2-3 hours there. Three interesting experiences:
(1) We went shopping (Toda, anachnu rak mistaklim) for strollers. It was sensory overload to the power of 10. There are more things in that store than babies in the entire world. I commented to Ilana that I had felt like that only one other time in my life. When we registered for wedding presents. "WOW, bed bath and beyond has everything! And I have nothing. I NEED/WANT EVERYTHING."
(2) A woman came over to us and in English explained to us that she had no food at all for shabbos except for some challot. Apparently, the government screwed her on her divorce and she got all the kids but no support from her husband. She asked us to call her on her phone if we happened to be shopping in the grocery store and we wanted to buy something for her. We did and I hope that she will soon know no trouble.
(3) And last, but certainly not least was our excursion to the "department store." Try to imagine a JC Penny crammed into 1/16 of the space. Very crowded. Apparently they had a shortage of changing rooms as well. One man wanted to try on a shirt so he just stripped down in the middle of the racks and modeled it for all of us. He stood bare chested for many minutes. Let's just say you should be happy there is no photo attachment to this blog posting.
Finally, when we were all set to go home for some lunch around 1:00pm, we got back on the bus. I guess we got on the wrong bus going the wrong way or something. What a trip it was; 90 minutes later after a stunning tour of southern Jerusalem we finally came back to our apartment.
We have another busy week this week. We'll keep you posted.