Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Adira is Walking!

Can you believe it 5 steps already, less than a week after her 1st birthday. This girl is going to be running a marathon pretty soon. (Sorry about the slight head cut off at points - Ilana is not so good with the video camera)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Can you say socks?

Well, Adira can (or at least gocks, abba and a version of quack). Catch it all on the video.
Happy Watching

Sunday, December 28, 2008


So I caved in last week and joined Facebook. I basically just set up a username and password and didn't think anything of it. This morning I decided if I already took that step I might as well really use it - put up pictures, add friends, write messages. I pride myself on being technologically savvy, but as my "wall" says I feel like my grandmother - trying to figure out where everything is and how it all works. I'm the one in the family who teaches my mom how to upload pics on snapfish, who teaches my dad how to video chat on skype, and here comes the searching for friends on Facebook - who is already on with a page and more friends than I can find in a day - my dad of all people - I can't see his profile because he has yet to accept me as a friend, though I know he joined recently because he models in his profile holding Adira.

I will persevere and figure out this whole Facebook thing, if nothing else just to say I can. However, any pointers anyone wants to share I am all ears.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

On the 2nd Night of Chanukah

Adira decided she wanted to light the menorah!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Almost Time for Chanukah

So it's been pointed out to me by a number of people that I have not posted since Rosh Hashanah. As a new holiday approaches I figured I should at least get a happy holidays post in. Things have been crazy here. We are learning the joys of having our daughter sharing germs with others as she has brought home a cold and the stomach flu that she shared with both her parents. We have only seen flutterings of snow, and as the temperature has generally stayed mild we've been able to get outside for family walks. Adira is such a big girl already - two teeth, full-on crawling and she is starting to cruise - she walked all the way from one end of our couch to the other. Her latest favorite is the "throw all food off your dinner tray" game - we take it as her way of telling us she is done eating, though usually at least a couple of things land on the floor before we get her away from the zone.

We are really looking forward to chanukah and can't wait to introduce Adira to gelt, latkes and suffganiot. Aaron is excited to make latkes from scratch - a task we passed on last year since we didn't have a grater in Israel. Though we will miss lighting our menorah outside, we're looking forward to sharing the time with family and friends. Go Macabies!

And as always enjoy some pictures of Adira over the last couple of months.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Shanah Tova

We wanted to take this moment and wish everyone a happy and healthy new year. May this year be filled with friendship, family, happiness and spirituality for everyone.
Shanah Tova,
Aaron, Ilana and Adira

Thanks Abba for taking the Picture!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Almost Time to Babyproof

Adira is not quite crawling yet, but she is now pulling herself up on her own, as the following video demonstratesm (sorry you have to turn your head). Time to finish those baby proofing projects...